Why European Bloodlines?
Max von Stephanitz had a vision of a multipurpose working dog. One that had the endurance and brains to herd the livestock, strength and instinct to protect the farm and livestock from predators and invaders, and a stable and loyal temperament so it could come home at night, lie by the fire, be part of the family and play with the children.
He worked his whole life to accomplish his dream, and he succeeded as the developer of the German Shepherd.
He also developed a rigorous test that all dogs that were to be bred had to pass, ensuring only the best were bred. This test became known as Schutzhund.
Schutzhund tests the dogs temperament, working ability, protection instinct and tracking ability. They must pass tests in ALL of the above on one weekend to obtain their title.
To this day all German Shepherds bred in Europe must obtain a working dog title before they can be bred. They must have either a Schutzhund title, a Herding Dog title or a Police Service Dog title. In addition they must have their hips x-rayed to screen out hip dysplasia.
That's a whole lot of peace of mind when you part with your hard earned dollars, and give a piece of your heart away to that cute little pup.
The North American Shepherd has become a breed of its own, far removed from the German Shepherds of the rest of the world.
When the breed arrived in North America it gained popularity quickly, especially with the airing of Rin Tin Tin.
When any breed becomes popular there is a lot of room for unscrupulous back yard breeders to earn a quick buck. With no thought to temperament, health issues or breed standard, they breed their female to a convenient sire and make some quick money.
Part of the demise of the North American Shepherd is that the CKC/AKC have no quality control. If both parents are registered, the pups can be registered. It does not matter if they have unstable temperaments, can be vicious, fear biters or are untrainable. It does not matter what inherited health problems they may have. They can be epileptic, dysplastic or have any array of health problems. If the parents are registered, the pups can be registered.
Do not get me wrong, there are many breeders of the North American Shepherd that are conscientious and trying their best to remove health and temperament problems from their lines. However good their intentions, they face an uphill battle.
Also remember - You get what you pay for. Many people breed for all the wrong reasons. "We wanted the kids to see the miracle of birth." "We thought she would be a better dog if we let her have one litter." "I could make some easy money, just buy a male and a female, breed them and charge half the price."
If your breeding is not aimed at improving the breed ... You are destroying it.
Recommended Reading: The German Shepherd Dog in Word and Picture - By V. Stephanitz
~Max von Stephanitz
Titles Information
- B.H. (Begleithund) Companion Dog
- The dog must be at least 15 months old. The test is basic obedience and temperament including a traffic sureness test. This test is a prerequisite before attempting any other working dog titles.
- AD (Ausdauerpruefung) Endurance test
- The dog must be at least 16 months old. The dog must trot approximately 20 km within 2 hours with an obedience test at the end.
- SchH (Schutzhund) includes 3 levels
- The dog must compete in three categories:
- Tracking: the dog must follow the track of a person 300-600 paces with 2-4 corners in it. The dog must also find 2 - 4 articles that have been dropped by the track layer. The track is laid 20 - 60 minutes prior to tracking.
- Obedience: This test includes many obedience exercises, including heeling exercises, retrieving, retrieving over a 6 foot climbing wall, the send away, recall and stay, all while there are distractions, including gunfire and strangers on the field.
- Protection: The dog must without help from the handler, find and hold by barking a hidden person, prevent an assault to his handler, stop the bad guy from escaping. He must be able to tell the difference from a threatening person and innocent spectators. He must show the courage to attack and the discipline to release upon command or when the bad guy gives up.
- The dog must compete in and pass all three categories in one weekend to earn its title.
- SchH 1 Dog must be at least 18 months old. 1st level of Schutzhund
- SchH II Dog must be at least 19 months old. The intermediate level of Schutzhund
- SchH III Dog must be a least 20 months old. The masters level of Schutzhund
- SchHA Limited Schutzhund
- The same as SchH I without the tracking portion of the test.
- IPO (International Pruefung)
- The same as Schutzhund except it is run under international rules. It also has three levels, IPO1 IPO2 and IPO3
- Please note: As of January 1st, 2012 all Schutzhund trials in Canada will be run under the International rules and the titles obtained by the dogs will be IPO titles instead of Schutzhund titles.
- Scores for Schutzhund/IPO
- V (Vorzueglich) Excellent 286-300 points
- SG (Sehr gut) Very good 270-285 points
- G (Gut) Good 240-269 points
- B (Befriedigend) Satisfactory 220-239 points
- M (Mangelhaft) Insufficient 0-219 points
- FH1 (Faehrtenhund) Advanced tracking title
- FH2 (Faehrtenhund) Superior tracking title
- PH (Polizeihund) Police Dog
- HGH (Herdengebrauchshund) Herding Dog Title
- BIH (Blindehund) Guide Dog for the Blind
- ZH (Zollhund) Customs Dog
- DH (Diensthund) Service Dog?
- German Show Dog Titles and Ratings
- Sieger The first place male dog of the National Show
- Siegerin The first place female dog of the National show
- VA (Vorzuegliche Auslese) Excellent Select show rating. Only awarded at a Sieger Show. The Highest show rating awarded.
- V (Vorzueglich) Excellent show rating
- SG (Sehr Gut) Very Good Show Rating
- G (Gut) Good show rating
- A (Ausreichend) Sufficient Show
- M (Mangelhaft) Faulty show
- U (Ungenuegend) Insufficient
- KKL1 Breed Survey Examination: Especially recommended for breeding. The highest breed survey classification given.
- KKL2 Breed Survey Examination: Suitable for breeding.
- German Show & Trial Classification Abbreviations
- BSZS (BundesSiegerZuchtSchau) National Breed Show
- BSP (BundesSiegerPruefung) National Working Trial
- LGA Regional Show or Working Trial
- BLH (BundesLeistungsHueten) National Herding Trial
- WUSV The World Union of the German Shepherd Dog-World Level Working Trial
Interesting Links:
~Charles Schulz